Like most of you I spent summer 2020 in the house…with two small children, no events, no parties, not even a good brunch. To make matters worse I was nursing my youngest for most of the summer so I didn’t even drink 🙃. Even if you weren’t quarantined with toddlers, a job to do and no childcare this summer like me, this year has been challenging for a host of reasons. Although the pandemic has changed many of the ways in which we pursue entertainment, I hope that you are being intentional about finding ways to enjoy yourself and relieve stress.
And while I’m on that message ladies how y’all doing? Moms y’all alright? I want to be the type of woman that other women can look to for a positive word and emotional support because I feel like that is so needed. Women shoulder so much responsibility and stress that any extra support of encouragement that we can get goes a long way. For me, becoming a mother made me a much more vulnerable person. Probably because I feel like since having kids I’m always running around with my hair on fire, but I am much more sensitive to my circumstances and the people in my life since I became a mom. For other women, it may be that you’ve climbed the career ladder and assumed increasingly weighted responsibilities, maybe you’re caring for an elderly parent or perhaps you’re battling grief after a year filled with losses. Whatever the case, I have had strangers step in and give me helpful advice and positive encouragement that truly helped me overcome some difficult challenges. I want to be that type of stranger for other women, and I am doing it by leading with kindness and by listening more than I speak. If you have the strength, I encourage you to reach out to a woman you know and offer her some genuine words of encouragement.
Finally I know that 2020 has been hard on all the girly girls because what excuse do we even have to dress up and look nice 😩. My solution is that I no longer need one! So once again I don’t know where I’m going in this outfit but this corset jacket from Christie Brown makes me feel like I am in control! So ladies support each other like this jacket is supporting me right now 😂. Thank you for reading and take care of yourself until next time.
Jacket, sold out but similar here, Skirt old from NY&CO (similar here and here, top Zara, Earrings by Raya Jewellery from The Posh Up, Shoes Christian Louboutin (Monique Nelms of A Daily Diva has the white “hot chick” in stock neoooow). Purse by Zashadu, find similar here.