
Independence Day was yesterday, and this year has been the first year that I’ve abstained from celebrating. Granted, injustice in America is not a new phenomenon but the recent perpetuation of state sanctioned violence against black Americans with little to no accountability from district attorneys across the country, and the vitriol or indifference that I have seen in response to the demand for justice and change, rendered me unable to celebrate this year. Instead, I dedicated my day to writing the below email demanding the arrest and prosecution of the officers who murdered Breonna Taylor. I hope that you will join me in the fight against injustice by clicking the button below, editing the email to include your name and sending it off to the officials in charge of investigating Breonna’s murder to let them know that, despite their delays, we demand justice and change. Also, I will be writing subsequent emails to officials in power in other cases of police brutality and general injustice to demand accountability in those cases as well. Why? Because I’m tired of being sick and tired and I’m not going to be paralyzed by fear or by the feeling of powerlessness. I want to do my part to improve the society that we live in and I hope that you will join me because I know that we can do so much together. Please consider editing and sending this email by clicking the button below. Thank you!

**you need to enter your name in the first sentence and the signature of the email, look for the INSERT NAME HERE language

**this email is addressed to The Kentucky Attorney General (his office has taken over the investigation of Breonna’s murder), Tim Cocanougher (he is the Executive Director of Special Prosecutions for the AG, the office in charge of investigating this case) and Robert Schroeder (he is the acting police chief in Louisville).
